Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dzhentl'meny, importantly pronounced inspector.

Is necessary be subordinated to nevertheless to routines. On Thursday the prisoner appears before the law court, and they will invite you also. But to those times responsibility for it lies on me. On rang. Jefferson Hope they took away two prison strazhnika, and we with Sherlock Holmes, after leaving the section, called up cab and went on Baker- Street.
Vsekh us warned that on Thursday we will be caused to the law court; but when began Thursday, it turned out that our indications no longer will be required Jefferson Hope called to itself highest Of sudiya, in order to carry out to it its strict and valid sentence. At night it broke after the arrest of its aneurysm, and it they the next morning found on the floor of cell with the blissful smile on face, as if, dying, he thought about the fact that it lived life it not not in vain and made well its matter. Gregson and Lestreyd, probably vomit on itself hair, said Holmes in the evening, when we discussed this sobytiye. it died, and propali all their hopes for noisy Po- my, they little that made for the catching of criminal, it noted . V this peace is unimportant, how much you made, with the bitterness pronounced Kholms. the main thing is to know how to convince people that you made much. But nevertheless, it continued after pause, already merrier, on no account it would not forego this investigation. I do not remember the more interesting matter. And as it not simply, in it was nevertheless considerable instructive. Prosto?! exclaimed . Kholmsa made laugh my Razumeyetsya, in any way it is not possible to name it complex, it said on. I here to you proof in three days without any aid and only by means of the quite ordinary conclusions it knew how to establish the personality of criminal. Eto is correct! ya already somehow told you that uncommon is faster the aid, than interference in our matter. During the solution of similar problems it is very important to know how to discuss retrospectively. This is extremely valuable ability, and it is not difficult to develop it, but now for some reason little by this they are occupied. In the daily life to it is much more useful think in advance; therefore reasoning by back stroke now not in the honor. Only one knows how to discuss analytically of fifty people, whereas rest think only synthetically. Dolzhen to acknowledge, you I do not entirely understand. ya so thought. I will try to explain this more intelligible. The majorities of people, if you transfer to them all facts one after another, will predict to you result. They can mentally compare facts and draw the conclusion that must occur how. But only a few, after learning result, are capable of accomplishing the mental work, which gives the possibility to trace, what reasons led to this result. Here this ability I call retrospective, or analytical, by Ponimayu, it said .

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